Take advantage of GeekBro’s prediction tool, which highlights drivers that require your attention at any point in time and are most likely to have an accident. This proactive approach will save you and your fleet a lot of time, money and resources in repairing your vehicles, substituting your damaged goods, and dealing with any insurance claims or worse.
Seamlessly identify and track risky drivers in real time so that you can run your show more efficiently, while minimising chances of risk. With GeekBro you can take immediate action, such as replacing an aggressive driver or remotely blocking the engine immediately after the first stop. This way you can prevent an accident before it becomes a reality.
However when collisions do occur, GeekBro send you instant accident notifications, helping you notify emergency response units immediately, and access detailed information to deal with claims more efficiently. GeekBro will instantly notify you and send you a detailed report that recreates the incident in seconds, showing severity, collision direction, and more.